Over-seeding & Inter-seeding
The practices of over-seeding and inter-seeding have been taken to a new level in 2021 with the cost of seed to prepare turf in the sports turf, golf, and lawn care markets. Costs have added significant amounts of stress to budgets and have caused turf managers to evaluate their practices at a higher level than ever before. Whether over-seeding or inter-seeding, the two most important considerations are seed to soil contact and germination rate of seed.
Without proper contact, soil survivability is greatly hindered. Mechanical practices, like vertical mowing and scalping, along with chemical practices, such as growth regulators and triclopyr, are all means used to prepare turf and the seed bed. Often, the health of the permanent turf is sacrificed to ensure the seedlings have a viable home. Taking steps to improve the permanent stand prior to seed preparation is vital for a solid transition in the months to follow or for the inter-seeded varieties to have an opportunity to survive. Proper nutrition is important not only after seeding but prior to seeding, and preparing the permanent stand for the upcoming months will provide you the best opportunity for a smooth transition.
With many tactics being employed to stretch the coverage of available seed, providing a fully prepared seed bed is more important than ever. Using products to manage the soil moisture and providing necessary nutrients are keys to ensuring success. The availability of organic acids, seaweed extracts and enzymes in today’s market provides more ways to ensure you get the best germination and opportunity for growth of your seed investment. Utilizing spray mixes can help you save money, and applying nutrients more frequently in smaller quantities can increase efficiency, thus providing you with a better stand. Contact your local Helena Representative to learn more about over-seeding and inter-seeding.